The National Association of Mathematics Advisers (NAMA) is a UK based professional association run by members for its members and has a national dimension and impact. Membership is open to all seeking to improve mathematics education beyond their own organisation and includes advisers, consultants, lecturers, researchers and inspectors. The Association provides advice, support and inspection services to individuals and organisations that seek to make an effective contribution to the learning and teaching of mathematics.
On behalf of its members the Association will:
* Ensure the maintenance of a forum for disseminating information and ideas on all matters relating to mathematics education;
* Provide professional development of its members and others;
* Represent the views of members and contribute to national debates on matters mathematical.
The Executive Committee elected for the current academic year are:
Ruth Trundley - Chair
Charlotte Madine - Secretary
Paul Treversh - Treasurer
Jane Liddle
Jo Skelton
Gill Knight
Louise Hoskyns-Staples