Joint NAMA/AMET CPD Saturday Extravaganza
Those who can, teach teachers
Friday 28th February- Saturday 1st March 2025
Foxborough Primary School Slough SL3 8TX
An extended ‘CPD Saturday’ with AMET, running over two days with 5 amazing keynote speakers:
Jenni Ingram
Steph Sullivan
Geoff Wake
Judy Hornigold
Mike Askew
There will also be the chance to select three workshops to attend, from a list of nine. Members have now received an email with booking details. If you haven't, please email admin@namamaths.org.uk.
Saturday 21st September 2024 10:00 - 12:00 - online
Local Learning Landscapes: Exploring coherence, equity and quality in mathematics teacher professional development in England
Catherine Gripton
Recent changes to the education system,which include the large scale roll out of academisation, have remodelled the schooling landscape in England. The structures through which teachers access primary mathematics professional development have changed with increased school autonomy, multi-academy trusts and regional curriculum hubs. Reporting on Wellcome-funded research into equity and quality in primary mathematics CPD, this session shares findings that local offers are experienced as fragmented and incoherent with substantial differences between localities.
In this session we will be reflecting on how the environment for teacher professional development has changed,considering the implications for subject leadership, curriculum resources and knowledge exchange. We will share thoughts on what teachers and subject leaders need and what might support this as the schooling landscape continues to evolve.
NAMA June CPD Saturday 2024
Exploring the heart of Core Maths
with Emma Bell
June 22nd 10:00 - 12:00
Online via Zoom
We are pleased to announce the next CPD Saturday will be a session exploring the underpinning principles of Core Maths, and how these could empower all students, regardless of prior attainment, in the Post-16 sector.
Teaching through problem-solving and teaching problem-solving
with Dr Tad Watanabe
November 25th 11:00 - 15:30
Central London venue
Dr Tad Watanabe will lead a day focused on curriculum design and problem-solving from a Japanese perspective. Tad is a Professor of Mathematics Education and an assistant chair of the Department of Mathematics at Kennesaw State University. The day will be split into two workshops:
Workshop 1
In this session, we will engage in a simulation of a typical teaching through problem-solving (TTP) lesson. This lesson may take place at a number of different points in a school curriculum, and we discuss what those variations may be and the rationales behind them. We will then discuss possible implications in UK classrooms.
Workshop 2
In this session, we will discuss some of the curricular considerations as we try to infuse problem-solving in a curriculum or organize lessons with problem-solving as the center piece for learning mathematics. Ideas include but certainly are not limited to, curricular coherence, visual representations, and learning goals.