Results from AGM 3rd April 2023
1. Motion - To receive the Chair's report for 2022/23
Votes for: 26 Votes against: 0
Motion passed
2. Motion - To receive the Treasurer's report for 2022/23
Votes for: 26 Votes against: 0
Motion passed
3. Motion - To appoint Gill Knight to the Executive Committee
Votes for: 25 Votes against: 0
Motion passed
4. Motion - To appoint Louise Hoskyns-Staples to the Executive Committee
Votes for: 25 Votes against: 1
Motion passed
5. Motion - To approve changes to the NAMA constitution - change to widen the brief beyond schools and colleges (see proposed draft constitution link)
For the public benefit the Association is dedicated to promoting and developing high quality mathematical education in schools and colleges and other educational settings through advice, support and training, by……
Votes for: 25 Votes against: 1
Motion passed
6. Motion - Special Business
(1) to apply for registration of a new Charitable Incorporated Organisation formed under the Charities Act 2011 to be known as the Association for Mathematics in Education (AMiE) having the constitution as attached to this resolution and into which NAMA shall transfer certain of its assets as agreed by the members at the next AGM at Easter 2024,
(2) that further amendments may be agreed to AMiE’s constitution to the extent they are required as part of the charity application process to register AMiE with the Charity Commission of England & Wales in accordance with professional legal advice received from Bates Wells, the firm of charity solicitors instructed by NAMA, and
(3) that the AMiE charity application process shall only proceed if the members of AMET, ATM, MA and NANAMIC also pass a resolution approving the same at their respective annual general meetings to be held on 3rd April 2023.
Votes for: 24 Votes against: 2
Motion passed